The Caumsett Foundation

Upcoming Projects

Farm Group Roof Replacement

Dairy BarnThe barns in the Farm Group are the primary visual focus for visitors arriving at the Park - directly behind the Visitor Kiosk and Park offices. The roof replacement project involves replacing the asphalt shingle roofs on 18 buildings (5,000 sq. ft. total) to stop and prevent further deterioration of the roofs and water damage to the interiors.

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Trail Access, Safety and Erosion Mitigation Study

FieldIn an effort to maintain an enhanced visitor experience, the Foundation is addressing the erosion on the steep hill between the Main House and the 14-acre freshwater pond in order to restore two paths that lead down the 800’ slope and establish an educational viewing site at the pond.

Read More about the Trail Access, Safety and Erosion Mitigation Study...

Dairy Interpretive Center

Dairy Interpretive Center ExteriorThe Foundation is restoring the Bottling Plant within the Dairy Barn Complex and creating a self-guided Interpretive Center that explains the purpose and processes of the original barns.

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New Trail Markers

DaffodilsIn homage to Evelyn Field, the Foundation has planted 100,000 assorted daffodil bulbs to have their first bloom in time for the State Park’s system’s 100th Anniversary this spring. Trail markers will also be added throughout the Park this spring to help navigate around Caumsett’s 1500-acres.

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Fighting Invasive Species on Butterfly Hill

ButterfliesButterfly Hill encompasses 4-acres of meadow vegetated by warm and cool season grasses, forbs, and the invasive vine porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata). Reduction, suppression, and long-term management of porcelain berry on the site will restore its ability to support the rare Baltimore checkerspot butterfly colony in the Park.

Read More about the Fighting Invasive Species on Butterfly Hill Project...

Restoring the Original Corisande Ship Model

Daniel Parsier working on modelThis circa 1920 model represents the 50’ commuter yacht owned by Marshall Field III, the first of this name in a series of such boats. It was built in 1923 for him by Gar Wood, the top American power boat designer of the period. We are looking forward to getting the model back from professional model shipwright Daniel Parsier by the fall of 2024 when it will be on display in the park office.

Read More about the Original Corisande Ship Model Restoration Project...

Producing Two History Films

Film productionThe Caumsett Foundation received a grant from the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation to help fund two short films and viewing equipment. The first one will be on the introduction to the story of Caumsett, including the Indigenous settlement, the Colonial era including Jupiter Hammon, (an early Black poet), up to the creation of Marshall Field III’s 1500-acre Gilded Age estate and World War II; and the second, the story of dairy farming, technology and architecture at Caumsett Farms.

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